
Pink Baby Monster

is a performance art conglomeration which was born in 2001, as a reaction to the tragic events of 9/11. What began as raging against the naiveté of American culture, personified in the image of the pink baby monster, gradually distilled its rage into art works which were more…. comedic. The group has created numerous videos parodying pomposity in the worlds of politics and classical music.

Brian's first conducting lesson takes him on a one of a kind journey down the Rhine with the MASTER. "Finally, someone has taken the mystery out of conductin...
The master summons Brian to to prepare him for the journey to meet his man-soul. Premiered at the Banff Centre for the Arts in 2014, this recording was done ...
Brian's second conducting lesson should be enough. The MASTER knows best....."Finally, someone has taken the mystery out of conducting and made it simple a...
The Master saves Gabrielli, and alters the course of brass history.