New Book Available NOW!
“Ostensibly a book about playing and teaching trumpet, this book soon extends into areas of general musicianship, with perspectives and insights that compel us to think long after the book is put down. Ultimately these explorations by Mark Gould expand further, meditations on artistic creativity that exceed anything in my own reading experience. His thoughts on teaching are universal, truly sui generis – I could easily imagine them useful whether we are trying to teach physics, history, or coach a basketball team.”
——- Chris Gekker
Mark Gould, the Master Interview
Mark has been criticized by lesser intellects for his bold activities, but it is undeniable that behind Mark’s antics is a true concern for the arts and a deep love for music. I cannot overstate how important this love is when attempting to transform or criticize the nature of art. Currently there is a lot of talk about how to improve classical music to better reflect modernity, and the sinner’s and catholic school children mea culpas in vogue are more often than not repulsive and useless. Most people joining these conversations seem to be dishonest actors. We need to fine-tune our senses to distinguish between the people seeking change because they want to preserve things, and those who simply critique to destroy. Mark of course belongs to this first group.
Mark Gould: The Brass Junkies Pod
Mark shares his wisdom with The Brass Junkies.
The 3 Note Alternative
The audition process is broken but Mark Gould has the solution: The Pink Baby 3 Note Alternative. This is going to change the world. And this is only episode 1.
The audition process is broken but Mark Gould has the solution: The Pink Baby 3 Note Alternative. This is going to change the world. And this is only episode 1.
Brian seeks instruction from THE MASTER. Sound track by Fritz Kreisler.